Top 15 Things We Should Know Before Investing in Cryptocurrency 2023

Top 15 Things We Should Know Before Investing in Cryptocurrency

Are you going to invest money in cryptocurrencies? If so, then you and I should know the Top 15 things we should know before investing in Cryptocurrency. In today’s post, we are going to tell you 15 or more things that you must know before investing money in Cryptocurrency.

Top 15 Things We Should Know Before Investing in CryptocurrencyIf you are about to invest money in cryptocurrencies or have just started investing, if you know these 15 things then you can invest money in cryptocurrencies well and earn profits in the long run. So let’s start this post titled Top 15 things we should know before investing in Cryptocurrency.

1. Know the working mechanism of Cryptocurrency

To invest money in cryptocurrencies, you must first know how cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. work, what is their technology, what is cryptocurrencies, how their technology was developed Which organization controls their technology, etc. If you know these things, you will have climbed the ladder before investing money in cryptocurrencies.
If you will know about the working mechanism of Cryptocurrency, then before investing in any type of new cryptocurrency, you will find out that this new cryptocurrency works on the same technology in which other cryptocurrencies work or No. It has happened in the recent past that people did not know whether a new cryptocurrency works on the blockchain or not, which has led to a huge scam.

2. Know the mechanism of buying, selling, and exchanging cryptocurrencies

Before investing money in cryptocurrencies, you should also know what mechanism works in buying and selling cryptocurrencies. What does it mean when you buy a cryptocurrency, what is a cryptocurrency exchange, etc.?

Apart from this, you should also know the charges of different apps and websites for buying and selling cryptocurrency. You should understand that if you are buying any cryptocurrency from any platform then how much fee do you have to pay? At the same time, when you are selling any cryptocurrency, then how much fee do you have to pay? Apart from this, which is the best cryptocurrency exchange app and website in your country which is completely safe.

3. Invest in more than one cryptocurrency

If you want to become a good investor in cryptocurrency and you want to earn a huge profit by investing money in cryptocurrency. So you have to do one important thing you have to invest your money in different cryptocurrencies.

If you invest in just one or two cryptocurrencies, you may face losses instead of gains. So invest as much of your money as possible in cryptocurrencies. So that your portfolio remains strong. Apart from this, you can also invest some percentage of your total invested money in the latest launched cryptocurrency.

For example, if you plan to invest $100 every month in the cryptocurrency market, then you can invest $50 in a very popular and profitable cryptocurrency. Apart from that, you invest $30 in a cryptocurrency that is not very famous yet, but many people know it too. You invest the remaining $20 in cryptocurrencies that are new and have the potential to become more profitable in the future. Let us tell you that this is our own research, if you want, you can also change this number according to your own.

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4. Do not trust others, make your own research

If you are going to invest money in cryptocurrencies, then you must keep one thing in mind you should not follow anyone else’s advice to invest money in cryptocurrencies. Whether a friend of yours is giving advice or giving you advice in the news or someone on the Internet tells you that you should invest your money in this cryptocurrency, you should not invest.
You should do your own research, and after that invest your money in any cryptocurrency. If you invest money in cryptocurrency by doing research by yourself, then you will earn profit from the cryptocurrency market, and your chances of loss will be very less.

5. Control your emotions

Control your emotions before investing cryptocurrency

If you invest money in cryptocurrency, then you will get to see a lot of fluctuations in cryptocurrency every day and every hour. A lot of exports say that cryptocurrencies are full of volatility. Therefore, you should keep your emotions in complete control while investing money in cryptocurrencies and not be too disappointed when the cryptocurrency market falls down.
At the same time, one should not be too happy when the cryptocurrency market rises high. Try to be normal in every situation. If the crypto market falls for some time, then those who are unable to control their emotions sell the crypto and make their losses.

6. Make goals for long term

Let us tell you for your information that if you want to become a proper investor in cryptocurrencies and also want to earn profit. So make your goal for the long term and whatever investment you make in cryptocurrencies, do that investment only for the long term. If you invest for the short term, you may also incur losses.

Whether you are about to invest money in the stock market or you are going to invest money in cryptocurrencies, whatever plan you should make, keep in mind the coming 2 years, 5 years, and 10 years. If you plan to keep it in mind for some time only, then you will not get much benefit. Warren Buffett, the world’s best investor, makes his investments according to the long term, due to which his wealth is very high today.

7. Invest as much as you can afford to lose

If you are just going to start investing money in cryptocurrency then you should keep in mind that you should invest your money in cryptocurrency as much as you can afford to lose. Simply put, invest only as much money in the cryptocurrency market as you can easily lose, and even after that your life will not be affected much.

If you invest more money in cryptocurrencies than this limit, then you will get very depressed and due to this, you will also lose your money. If you are thinking of taking any kind of loan and investing in cryptocurrency, then do not do it. Doing so can completely spoil your personal finances.

8. Time will give an opportunity

It seems to many people that there is no fixed time to invest money in cryptocurrencies. One should start investing money in the crypto market as soon as possible.
But in reality, it does not happen, sometimes it happens when there is absolutely no right time to invest money in cryptocurrency and at such time if money is invested in the crypto market then the money is lost.

At the same time, after a gap of some time, an opportunity also comes which is the very right time to invest money in cryptocurrency. If money is invested at that time, then in a short time the money increases. For example, when the cryptocurrency market completely falls down due to some temporary reason, then the best time to invest money.

9. Profit may be taxed

If you do not know that the money earned as profit by investing money in cryptocurrencies can also be taxed. So for your information, let us tell you that at present, tax has to be paid on earning profit by investing money in cryptocurrencies in India itself. Apart from this, there is currently no tax on cryptocurrencies in other countries, but it may happen in the coming time.
If you are from India, then let us tell you that from 2022 you will have to pay tax to the Government of India for 30% of the profit you earn through cryptocurrencies.

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10. Scams can also be in Cryptocurrency

Very few people know that scams can happen in the cryptocurrency market too. There have been many big and new scams in the cryptocurrency market in the last few years. So if you are starting to invest in cryptocurrencies, then you must take complete information about it before investing in any cryptocurrency. Otherwise, you can also be a victim of any scam.
Many experts also say that scams in cryptocurrencies have just started. In the coming time, there will be more than one scam in cryptocurrencies and people’s hard-earned money will also be drowned. For example, onecoin was a cryptocurrency, which was a kind of scam. Very few people are aware, who invest in cryptocurrency. The creators of this onecoin cryptocurrency went missing after the scam.

11. Join an Online Community of Cryptocurrency

For your information, let us tell you that crypto changes very fast every single time and it is very important for any person who is investing in Cryptocurrency to have the latest information about Cryptocurrency.
If you stay connected with a community in which you will get the latest updates on the changes happening in the cryptocurrency market from time to time, then you can invest in the right way. You can sell your cryptocurrency or buy any cryptocurrency at the right time.
Apart from this, you will also continue to get such information about cryptocurrencies that you probably did not know about. Now the question may come to your mind which is the platform where we can get the latest updates on cryptocurrency?
So Reddit is considered a good platform for this, apart from this you can also get the latest updates on cryptocurrencies from YouTube and other platforms. For your information, let us tell you that do not completely believe the information given by any organization.

12. Select the right cryptocurrency wallet

Cryptocurrency is a digital coin, being a digital coin, it can be stored in a digital wallet itself. Apart from this, a crypto wallet is also needed to buy any cryptocurrency or sell any cryptocurrency.

In such a situation, it is very important for any person whether he is a beginner or a professional to choose a good crypto wallet. A crypto wallet in which its cryptocurrencies are completely secure and they can easily buy and sell any cryptocurrency. Along with this, the user’s scolding should also be secured quite properly.

Although there are many crypto wallets present, the names of these cryptocurrency wallets are as follows, Exodus, Electrum, Trezor, etc. You can also choose any one cryptocurrency wallet by doing research on your own.

13. Value of any cryptocurrency is not everything

Do you think that a cryptocurrency is worth more than that cryptocurrency is better than another cryptocurrency whose value is less? For example, if a cryptocurrency has a trading price of $2000 and the same cryptocurrency has a trading value of $2. So Cryptocurrency which is worth $2000 is better than $2.

If you are thinking like this then you are absolutely wrong, it has been seen many times that Cryptocurrency whose value is less, it also gives more profit in no time. There is such a cryptocurrency that has more value, it also takes more time to give more profit to it. Let us tell you that this phenomenon is also known as Unit Bias.

If you want to become a good cryptocurrency investor then you should always avoid this Unit Bias. You should invest in only cryptocurrencies that have the potential for a long time to come.

14. Time is key

For your information, let us tell you that time is a big contributor to cryptocurrencies. The value of any cryptocurrency increases and decreases over time. If you want to know the importance of time in the crypto market, then you can check the data for the last 10 years of bitcoin. You will understand the importance of time in cryptocurrency. If you want to earn money from Cryptocurrency, then invest money in Cryptocurrency only by understanding the importance of time.

15. Avoid FOMO

First of all let us tell you the full form of FOMO, then its full form is fear of missing out. If you are going to invest in cryptocurrencies, then you will find many times that a cryptocurrency increases significantly. In such a situation, the investor feels that he has lost something, but it does not happen. Even if you have thoughts of losing something, do not pay attention to your feelings and invest wisely. Sometimes a cryptocurrency suddenly rises because it is pumped. Later on, it also decreases, due to which the investor incurs a lot of loss.


So friends, in today’s post, we have told you in detail the Top 15+ things we should know before investing in Cryptocurrency. All the 15+ things we told you earlier related to cryptocurrencies are very important.
If you know all these things well then you can invest in the crypto market in the right way and you will not have to face any kind of loss. So how did you like this post titled Top 10 things we should know before investing in Cryptocurrency? You can tell us by commenting. Thank you!



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