Five Devastating Epidemics Of The World In History

Five Devastating Epidemics Of The World In History

The World’s Five Deadliest Outbreaks And Epidemics In History

As you all know that this time the whole world is facing the corona virus epidemic. Today all countries are looking for ways to stop corona virus.
Devastating Epidemics Of The World In History
But this is not the first time the whole world is facing such a severe epidemic. Even before this, the entire world has suffered severe pandemics. So friends, today we will talk about 5 such devastating pandemics, which have killed thousands of people worldwide.
1. The Plague of Justinian


First we talked about the plague of Justinian. Plague of Justinian considered the first plague in history. This plague began in 541 AD. The impact of this plague was first seen in Africa, but infected mice carried it by ship to Byzantine, the capital of Constantinople of the Roman Empire. Very soon this plague spread completely in Constantinople and every day about ten thousand people started dying from this plague. The Byzantine king Justinian also had this disease, but he recovered from it. Approximately 2 to 2.5 crore people died due to this plague in only Europe. But in the whole world, this figure was much more than this
2. Black Death Or Great Plague


Black Death is also known as Pestilence, Great Bubonic Plague and Great Plague. The Black Death is known as the most dangerous epidemic in history. Black death started in the year 1347. Much research has been done on the causes and consequences of this disease and all the research confirms that this Plague started in China. It is still a mystery how this plague started in China.This epidemic reached from China to Italy through infected black mice via the Silk Road. After that the plague spread like fire in various parts of Europe. Very soon millions of people died due to this epidemic. Mass graves were dug in place When the disease spread rapidly in Europe, people started living in the shadow of fear. The level of fear within the people had increased so much that people did not even touch the clothes of the victim. To avoid this epidemic, people imprisoned themselves in their homes. After nearly five years of devastation, the impact of this epidemic began to wane. Approximately this epidemic killed more than 5 crore people Which was half the population of Europe at that time.
3. The Great Plague of Marseille


The plague began in year 1720. This Plague arrived in Europe by a ship called Grand Saint Anthony, which was a merchant ship. Thousands of people died every day due to the outbreak of this epidemic. This plague caused piles of corpses on the streets. Within a few months of the outbreak of this plague, 50000 people died. The impact of this epidemic began to wane in year 1722.
4. Spanish Flu


Spanish Flu is also known as 1918 Flu Pandemic. The Spenish Flu started in year 1718 but the greater impact of this epidemic was seen in the year 1720. About 17 to 50 million people lost their lives due to this epidemic. No one has the exact information of where and how this epidemic started. King of Spain, Alphonse also had the disease, due to which the epidemic was named Spanish flu.
5. Corona Virus


Corona Virus also know as COVID-19. The first case of corona virus was seen in November 2019 in Wuhan city of China. Very soon this epidemic reached the neighboring countries of China and after this the epidemic spread all over the world. So far, about 5 lakh people have been infected with Corona virus and more than 21000 people have lost their lives due to this disease.

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